Class pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay

Display current clock values, such as FPS.

This is a convenience class for displaying diagnostics such as the framerate. See the module documentation for example usage.


  __init__(self, font=None, interval=0.25, format='%(fps).2f', color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), clock=None)
Create a ClockDisplay.
Remove the display from its clock's schedule.
  update_text(self, dt=0)
Scheduled method to update the label text.
Method called each frame to render the label.

Instance Variables

pyglet.font.Text label
The label which is displayed.

Method Details


(Constructor) __init__(self, font=None, interval=0.25, format='%(fps).2f', color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), clock=None)

Create a ClockDisplay.

All parameters are optional. By default, a large translucent font will be used to display the FPS to two decimal places.

font : pyglet.font.Font
The font to format text in.
interval : float
The number of seconds between updating the display.
format : str
A format string describing the format of the text. This string is modulated with the dict {'fps' : fps}.
color : 4-tuple of float
The color, including alpha, passed to glColor4f.
clock : Clock
The clock which determines the time. If None, the default clock is used.



Remove the display from its clock's schedule.

ClockDisplay uses Clock.schedule_interval to periodically update its display label. Even if the ClockDisplay is not being used any more, its update method will still be scheduled, which can be a resource drain. Call this method to unschedule the update method and allow the ClockDisplay to be garbage collected.

Since: pyglet 1.1